H&H Air Wedge
Air Wedge, 15.8 cm x 14.3 cm (width x height), 5.629" x 6.22"
The heavy-duty construction and the simple, push-button operation makes this the best inflatable wedge on the market.
It opens cars, installs doors and windows, holds doors and opens garage doors.
The wedge is made of fortified vinyl and equipped with a bulb pump and release valve for quick and easy inflating and deflating.Car opening:
The wedge slides between the vehicle door and the weather stripping on the door frame. Then the pump is squeezed, inflating the wedge and separating the vehicle door from the frame. This provides more than ample room to insert a car opening tool.Multiple wedge units can also be used for installing windows and doors and holding doors open while installing door hardware.
Thickness (deflated): 2 mm (0.08")
Thickness (maximum inflated): 70 mm (2.75")
General pressure: 98 kgs (220 lbs)
Maximum pressure: 196 kgs (440 lbs)